Hello Producers!

We are here to listen to you, build programs, and provide outreach and resources to help you succeed with agritourism.

Our goal for the industry on this website is two-fold- to curate your agritourism offerings for our visitors so that our marketing partners and visitors can access all of these experiences in one place. Secondly, we want to provide resources and connections for the industry to help make your jobs easier and your businesses more successful. We aim to be the leading provider of agritourism support and outreach to producers in the state of Colorado.


Agritourism as a Springboard for your Business

CAA’s Annual Meeting- Thursday, March 13, 9-11:30 via Zoom

Thank you for a terrific, interactive, info-packed morning!


  • Introductions & Overview
  • Agritourism Trends in the U.S.- Lisa Chase, University of Vermont/NET
  • Income Generation for Your Farm or Ranch- Panel Discussion
  • Tools of the trade- Navigating County Regs, CAA site, Ag Plan, Learning Lab, AI for Agritourism
  • Community Partnerships and Agritourism- Panel Discussion
  • Colorado Department of Agriculture- partnership opportunities- Barb Howe, Co Dept of Agriculture, Markets Division
  • Wrap-up- CAA membership, takeaways


Since we want to offer a comprehensive catalog of agritourism experiences, we invite you to submit your information and experiences whether you are a Colorado Agritourism Association member or not. On the business side of things, we won’t continue to exist without the support of the industry- it goes both ways. If you are inclined to come together with others in the industry, click here for membership information.

One of the top questions that we get is what a business needs to do to start or expand their agritourism. The CAA has spent several years, in partnership with Colorado State University to develop this Tool for Navigating County Regulations: Click here to access. We hope this helps you out!


The Colorado Agritourism Association came about as an outcome of the Agritourism Strategic Planning process initiated by the Heritage/Agritourism Program within the Colorado Tourism Office. After visiting numerous communities, interviewing farmers, ranchers and producers, it was made clear to us that an association was needed to represent the voice of the agritourism businesses.

You told us that you needed limited liability legislation, better insurance products, fair zoning and use assessments on lands, improved sign regulations, and finally, help with marketing. The Colorado Tourism Office has many ways for you to connect to their PR and marketing opportunities – many are free. Take time to get your agritourism business and events listed on COLORADO.COM and on  Colorado Tourism Office’s industry page!

This is where we come in. The Colorado Agritourism Association is a nonprofit, here to work on your behalf to navigate the legislative process, find solutions to insuring and zoning roadblocks, develop a sign program, and help you develop your business model.

How to Become a Partner
